European Trilinos User Group Meeting 2012

June 4th – June 6th
EPFL Lausanne

Host: Simone Deparis

Next year: EuroTUG 2013 will be held in Munich, Germany.

Photo of EuroTUG 2012 participants

Trilinos Background

The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems. A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus on packages. Full details of Trilinos and links to package websites can be found at the Trilinos home page.

Meeting Overview

The First European Trilinos User Group meeting was made possible by the large number of advanced Trilinos users in Europe. While the annual Trilinos User Group meeting at Sandia features a mixture of user and developer content, this meeting was the first pure user focused Trilinos event, organized by a group consisting mostly of users.

EuroTUG 2012 also featured the first advanced Trilinos Tutorial ever offered. The advanced tutorial was requested by attendees prior to the event. Previous standard tutorial offering at numerous venues focused on introductory material.

Meeting Organizers

Peter Arbenz, ETHZ
Simone Deparis, EPFL
Gilles Fourestey, CSCS
Michael Gee, TUM
Mike Heroux, SANDIA

Supported by CADMOS

The First European Trilinos User Group meeting was supported by CADMOS, the center for advance modeling science of the Leman area.


A list of the presentations from EuroTUG 2012 is below. Abstracts and slides are available for many of the presentations.


  • Advanced Trilinos Tutorial (M. Heroux)
  • MueLu: The next-generation Trilinos multigrid package (T. Wiesner) pdf
  • Parallel multilevel incomplete factorization of saddlepoint matrices (J. Thies) pdf
  • Domain decomposition techniques for hyperbolic equations on unstructured grids (A. Cervone) pdf
  • Preconditioning for large scale micro finite element analyses of 3D poroelasticity using Trilinos (E. Turan) pdf
  • Ginla: A Trilinos-based solver for the Ginzburg-Landau problem (N. Schloemer) pdf
  • ForTrilinos: Bringing Trilinos to object-oriented Fortran parallel applications (K. Morris) pdf
  • Parallel preconditioners for saddle-point problems (G. Grandperrin) pdf
  • Trilinos progress, challenges and future plans (M. Heroux)
  • Energy-driven algorithms … or energy-aware computing… (V. Keller) pdf