Trilinos User Group Meeting

November 1st -- November 4th, 2010    

Albuquerque, NM
Contact: Mike Heroux

Meeting Background

The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems. A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus on packages. Full details of Trilinos and links to package websites can be found at the Trilinos home page.

Meeting Overview

In an effort to facilitate communication between Trilinos users, clients and developers, we host an annual user group meeting.


Note that the time reserved for talks includes time for discussion.


The TUG 2010 schedule is shown below. Links to slides for some talks are available. Streaming Video is now available for most user-focused talks.

*Denotes that the streaming video link points to a collection of TUG videos, and the specified talk is not the first in the collection. In these cases, we list the time at which the specified talk starts, as well as the slide number that the talk starts on. (The slide numbers can be seen by hovering over the small slides near the bottom of the screen.)

For a listing of all talks included in all video links, see the TUG 2010 video homepage and click on the “view description” icon directly to the right of the title of each collection of clips.

Starting Time Tutorial Day User Days Developer Day
Monday, Nov. 1 Tuesday, Nov. 2 Wednesday, Nov. 3 Thursday, Nov. 4
8:30 am ForTrilinos Tutorial
pdf, Video
(Damian R.)
(Roger P.)Intrepid
Video* --
26:33, slide 25
(Kara P.)

Using Trilinos in a Heterogeneous Multiphysics Code
Video* --
48:42, slide 47
(Bill Cochran)

State of Trilinos Software Engineering, Lifecycle Model Discussion
(Ross B.)
9:00 am
9:15 am PyTrilinos Tutorial
pdf, Video* --
48:24, slide 54
(Bill S.)
9:30 am Parallel Development Using Tpetra and Kokkos
Video* --
1:07:45, slide 132
(Chris B.)
Trilinos Framework Update
(Jim W.)
9:45 am Break
10:00 am Introductions, Progress, Challenges, and Future Plans
(Mike H.)
10:15 am Break Break
10:30 am Capability Area Summaries
SE Technologies and Integration pdf
Video* (all Areas) --
27:30, slide 25
10:45 am Tpetra User Perspective
(Nico Schloemer)
Subpackage Requirement Gathering
(Brent P.)
11:15 am STK Mesh
Video* --
38:39, slide 48
(Todd C.)STK User Perspective
Video* --
57:29, slide 69
(Andy S.)
Code Reviews: the Gerrit Tool and Experience from the SIERRA Tool Kit Team
(Pat N.)
12:00 pm Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:00 pm Hands-on Trilinos Tutorial
video-1, 2
(Mike H. 1:00 p.m.-5:15 p.m.)
1:30 pm Preparing For Next Generation Computing Systems
(Mike H.)
Parallel Implementation of an Implicit State Based Peridynamics Code for Analysis of Fracture
(Scot Breitenfeld)Stokhos
Video* --
21:48, slide 54
(Eric P.)
Trilinos Strategic Planning
(5 min per capability leader and discussion)
2:15 pm Ifpack2
(Alan W.)
Piro: Analysis Tools Wrapper
Video* --
50:06, slide 90
(Andy S.)
2:30 pm Recent Developments in Direct Solver Interfaces in Trilinos
(Siva R.)
Albany: A Trilinos-Based PDE Code
Video* --
1:03:55, slide 106
(Andy S.)
Strategic Planning Topic Selection
2:45 pm Break
3:00 pm Break Break
3:15 pm Trilinos Strategic Planning
(project based)
3:30 pm Trios
pdf, Video
(Ron O.)
Trilinos Advisory Group Session
4:00 pm Building and Linking Against Trilinos
ppt, Video* --
32:11, slide 13
(Brent P.)
4:30 pm