Trilinos Spring Developer Meeting

June 4th – 5th, 2014
Albuquerque, NM

Trilinos Background

The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems. A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus on packages. Learn more about Trilinos at the Trilinos home page.

Meeting Overview

The Trilinos Spring Developer Meeting is an opportunity for Trilinos Developers to gather once a year outside of the Trilinos User Group meeting, which is commonly held in early November.

Meeting Format

In 2014, the Trilinos Spring Developer Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday June 4th – Thursday June 5th at Sandia NM in buildings CSRI and CERL. Small group meetings will be scheduled for Wednesday. Thursday will feature full development team meetings in CSRI/90. If we are unable to accommodate all small group meetings on Wednesday, some sessions may begin Tuesday afternoon, or extend into Friday.


The schedule for the Spring Developer Meeting will consist of training, as well as package, capability area, and Trilinos-level strategic planning.


(Last updated 6/3.)

Below is the outline of the meeting schedule. Specific information about sessions will be added in the weeks prior to the meeting.

Wednesday, June 4th

10:00-11:00 - Regular Kokkos/Tpetra developer meeting

CSRI/1481:00- 3:00 - Linear Solvers Round Table (J. Hu)
3:00- 4:30 - Trilinos Tutorial Content Organization (M. Hoemmen)

Thursday, June 5th

8:30- 9:00 - Kokkos Update (C. Edwards)
9:00- 9:30 - C++11 (M. Heroux)
9:30-10:00 - Software Ecosystems (M. Heroux)
10:00-10:30 - Break
10:30-10:40 - Usability Capability Area Update (B. Spotz)
10:40-10:50 - Update on STK migration (B. Perschbacher)
10:50-11:50 - Managing Trilinos Growth/Package Autonomy (repository, workflows, policies) (J. Willenbring)
11:50- 1:15 – Lunch
1:15- 2:30 - Capability Area-specific updates (10 minutes per capability area)
2:30- 3:00 - Break
3:00- 4:30 - Trilinos-level strategic planning / closing remarks

Friday, June 6th

8:00-12:00 - TBD - Sessions on Friday only if necessary