The Trilinos Project Strategic Goals have been defined for about two decades. They remain practically unachievable but ever vital as a way to guide efforts going forward.
Algorithm Goals:
- Scalable Computations: As problem size and processor counts increase, the cost of computation will remain nearly fixed.
- Hardened Computations: Never fail unless the problem is essentially intractable, in which case we diagnose and inform the user why the problem fails and provide a reliable measure of error.
- Full Vertical Coverage: Provide leading edge enabling technologies through the entire technical application software stack: from problem construction, solution, and analysis to optimization.
Software Goals:
- Universal Interoperability: All Trilinos packages will be interoperable, so that any combination of packages that makes sense algorithmically will be possible within Trilinos and with compatible external software.
- Universal Accessibility: All Trilinos capabilities will be available to users of major computing environments: C++, Fortran, Python and the Web, and from the desktop to the latest scalable systems.
- Universal RAS: Trilinos will be:
- Integrated into every major application at Sandia (Availability).
- The leading edge hardened, efficient scalable solution for each of these applications (Reliability).
- Easy to maintain and upgrade within the application environment (Serviceability).